Merry Christmas! And, to the jews, Happy Hanukkah! And, to those who celebrate it, Happy Kwanzaa! Usually, I don't like the term 'Happy Holidays', all things considered this time of year is predominantly about Jesus Christ and his birth. Not, as some believe, about Santa's birth. So, saying 'Happy Holidays' sounds overly PC, so as to not leave anybody out whereas, in actuality, it is christmas. Making it a Christian-holiday. So, like Stan Smith, when somebody wishes me 'Happy Holidays' I tend to be like "You mean, Merry Christmas, right?" or something along those lines. However, I'm capable of acknowledging the obvious existence of numerous holidays also celebrated around this time of year, and so I deliver a sweeping, "Happy Holidays" to you all and I hope that you all had a great Christmas today.
I got quite a few cool things, most of which I asked for. It's at a stage now where Christmas isn't exciting anymore, due to the obvious lack of mountains of new toys/surprise gifts, etc. I'll never forget coming out of my room for Christmas when I was a kid in Hong Kong, seeing a sheet covering the toys, taking it off to reveal the Ninja Turtles sewer lair all set up for me by my dad, with an additional bit he created himself attached. Fucking ace. Ditto for the Ghostbusters Apartment HQ. That was fucking sweet. I'll probably post some pictures of my gifts at some point, though the highlight without question is a gift my sister got me: a WWE replica belt. Granted, it's plastic. Not the all out, much money costing, version you can get online. AND it's the spinner belt, created by the loathsome John Cena. But, whatever, it's a belt. And it's mine. And my sister got it for me, it's probably one of the best gifts she's given to me in years. If ever!
That's it for this blog. I'll be compiling a list soon of my favorite things concerning '08 soon, before the New Year comes around, so look forward to that, oh, you non-existent-readers you!
And so, Happy Holidays!
PS: If you direct your attention to the "I Would Love You Forever..." segment, I've added a PS2 game called Fire Pro Wrestling Returns. I've done a lot of research on this game today, as I've grown quite bored of kicking ass at Smackdown vs Raw 2009. It looks challenging, fun and incredibly deep! However, it never got a EU release outside of Italy, for some unknown reason. I mean, if you wanted to release it in one European territory, why the hell not England? You already had the english dub, with the USA release, so why not England? Hell, you can buy the game in Italy, the box and manual are in Italian, but the game is still in English. What the hell!?

Okay, so I tried to order it today. Got through to the final part and was about to make payment when I noticed the price had shot up from €24.99 to like €59.98, all because of import tax or P+P or whatever the fuck. I haven't paid £50/60 for a game since the N64 era, and the idea of paying that much for a limited game that's been out in Japan since 2005, for the PS2 no less, is ludicrous to me. So, fuck you to those Italian gaming sites, you're ridiculous prices lost you a potential customer. And, to the developers, if you're going to release a game in one European region, do it in a region that might actually help you make a profit. Apparently, the reason they didn't was because of poor sales in the States. So, release it here! There are plenty of wrestling fans over here!! Even more who were stupid/dedicated enough to actually import at those prices! The fact the game costs like 15 bucks in the states makes this whole thing an even bigger joke.
EDIT: I caved. Fuck it, I know. But I caved. I didn't spend the ridiculous near-£60 that one site was asking for but, thanks to a hook up I have in Italy, I should be able to get ahold of a copy. Hopefully for a whole lot less than what they were asking, which was pretty much the equivalent of 'THAT' scene in Deliverance. "Squeal, boy." No, I don't think I will. I'll just get my fix through other means.
Big shout out to Luane for helping me out with something that, I'm sure, she finds kind've lame, and to her boyfriend, Andrea, for being the man on the inside! You guys are the awesome!