Hey! So, I've had a day off work today and decided, instead of just doing nothing like usual, I would try and actually attempt to write something. You know, so I can move forward in trying to be a writer!
I've written a new 6 page script that I think is pretty good. Reading it cold, you may wonder how it could be a comedy, but the comedic elements are definitely there. The problem with reading a script sometimes is that the writers intended delivery of lines, or actions, tend to get lost by the reader who is too focused on just reading and interpreting it in their own way, usually not how the writer intended. It isn't until a second read that they can really get a feeling for the flow of the script and the believability of the dialogue, etc. I don't think I've ever really had a problem with dialogue, thankfully, but finding an appropriate ending for this script was tough at first. I've got one now that, like the short itself, just kind of works.
The script, which isn't named yet (not even a working title), isn't as funny as 'First Date' but is still pretty funny! Not 'LOLZ'/'ROFL'/OMGZ!' funny, but funny in an observational kind of way. I'll redraft it in the next few days and post some of it up here. Hell, seeing as it's only just 6 pages, I may as well post the whole thing when I'm happy with it.
The story is only set in one location, with two characters. So it's as minimal as can be, like I wanted it to be. The entire short is just predicated on these two people (Jeff, a name that may change, and Dahlia) talking and discovering that the way we perceive people isn't always the way those people actually are. Intrigued? How about if I were to tell you they also talk about blowjobs? Aaaah, now I've got you!
I was intending to redraft 'First Date' again today, but I'm happy with what I've done. I'm going to go through some of the feedback I've gotten recently and take the notes that ring true about my script before redrafting so I can make some decent changes to it, etc.
I also finished replaying Uncharted: Drake's Fortune yesterday and, fuck me, that game is still as awesome as I remember it. It's probably one of only a handful of games I've felt compelled to replay within a year of buying it. I normally beat a game and let it sit on the shelf for a few years so that it'll be fresh when I come back to it. Notable exception is The Monkey Island trilogy, which I try to play at least once a year due to it's unbelievable awesomeness. Those games really are just awesome in a bottle, if you will. I may review Uncharted later tonight if I have nothing better to do. Which, as it's only 5:35pm, seems like it'll be the case.

Considering I've written a new script, made a few changes to it, and am currently blogging, having already watched this weeks TNA iMPACT!, I'd say I've done quite alot with my day! I also watched the first hour of 'Sold out: A Threevening With Kevin Smith'. That dude can really tell tell a story! He took the first guys question and managed to deviate for about an hour before coming back on track! Regardless of the fact it was a story I'd heard before when I saw him at the Prince Charles cinema in London last April (I believe), it was still funny as hell. Doing Q+A's looks like so much fun and I can only hope that I'll be in a position one day where people will pay to ask me stuff! That'd be rad.
I got GTAIV through the mail this morning, well it actually came at about 2:40 (!). Maybe I'll bust that out and play it, see what the big deal was all about for this game. I also got Bioshock but it's one of those deals with my sister where you buy your own gift, they give you the money back and it's essentially from them. So I've got to wait til the X-Mas to play that.
Quickly back onto the film making side of things,

one of my friends from Uni is currently working on a short web series. He sent me the script for the first episode, which was a-ight, and is currently in the middle of pre-pro, which makes me feel as though I'm falling behind pretty rapidly haha! I got some good feedback from him and am hoping to move forward with either of my scripts now. Like I mentioned in my previous post, I'll probably try and shoot the 6 pager first before 'First Date', but we'll just have to see how it turns out. He believes that 'First Date' is just too damn long for a film festival. Maybe true, depending on what festival, but some of our grad projects were pushing 20-25 minutes (others fell well short of that) and I don't think it'll be any longer than that, personally. Again, we'll see.
Incidentally, does anyone else hate it whenever you try and talk about your project/s and the other person doesn't seem to want to comment? Makes me feel as though it's no good, etc. I'm yet to truly develop the rhino skin (hence the picture!) needed for this business, especially as a writer. I mean, as long as it's constructive, I don't really have a problem. When it's blasting little things for no other reason than to poke holes into your project, then I have a problem. But, in fairness, I don't think I've ever been good with criticism!
Also, can I just add that, before all the X-Bots (as they've been lovingly coined) strike up in, hypocritical, joy...no. No, the picture below is not in reference to Metal Gear Solid coming to the 360. At least, nothing has been confirmed. And a lot of devices use that specific power icon. Such as, oh I don't know, Apple. Apple iPhone no less. Interesting.

I love the hypocrisy of fanboys. 360 owners, on forums I lurk in and browse, have bashed MGS to death, hating on it, etc, etc. Claiming it's just an extended cut scene/movie, etc. And yet, now, when there's a possibility it could come to 360 (which has been rumored MANY times) they're all for it. It's stupid really.
To be honest, I dislike fanboys all 'round, there's no prejudice here! Those who are short sighted enough to ignore the fact that great games exist on all platorms....well, they're not truly gamers. I have a few friends who are diehard fanboys, be it PlaySlave, X-bot or Wiitard (all valid terms of definition!) and it surprises me how vehemently they denounce other consoles and games having neither owned the console, nor played its game.
One friend in particular has really struck me. Having bought 'x' system, he is now a diehard 'x' fan. I can't help but get the feeling that if he'd bought system 'y' then he'd be a diehard system 'y' fan. Surprisingly enough, it really does seem to be the case! Pathetically enough. I mean, if that is how the, theoretical, battle lines are drawn then a lot of this fanboy culture comes down to simple monetary spending. Xbox 360 = cheaper than PS3 (even Wii right now!) so, using the above logic, it creates more X-bots because of the simple fact that it's the console they could afford, so it's the console they bought, so it's the console they support. Blindly. I'm probably coming across as a fanboy myself, to degrees. Yes, I love my Ps3. I honestly think it's been a fantastic console, and more to me. It really is an entertainment hub for me. BUT, as mentioned earlier, I still want a 360. There are enough exclusives now that warrants a purchase when I get the cash. Unless you people want to donate some to me? That'd be great! Anyway, back on point...
True gamers recognize the fact a good game is a good game, regardless of what platform it happens to be on. Those who hate on Playstation 3 have clearly never played Uncharted or MGS4, etc. Those who hate on Xbox 360 must have never played (and, seeing as I don't have a 360, I'm included here. Though I'm pointing out these awesome titles, so no fanboy tendencies here!) Dead Rising, Halo or Gears of War. Those who hate on Nintendo...well, with Wii Music it makes them fair game really. But Zelda: Twilight Princess, come on! That was awesome! I only have a Wii and a Ps3 out of the current gen, but I'm intending to buy a 360 for the aforementioned titles. There is no point in being elitist and claiming that other consoles haven't got any games worth playing, all you're doing is denying yourself a chance to play some GOOD games. Which, ultimately, is what we're all after as gamers, right? A good game? And guess what, to reiterate, they exist on ALL consoles. /rant.
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