First off, I can't really say this will be a 'real' review, solely due to the fact that PlayStation Home is still at an open Beta stage. Not the final thing. Although, from the opening messages and disclosures, it sounds like this Beta is pretty much the final thing with Sony adding and tweaking here and there in the future without any major overhauls. I read recently that Aaron Greenberg, Xbox 360 Group Product Manager, claimed that Home feels like "2005 tech in 2008" which, after playing it, I have to disagree with. The only thing that feels 2005, in places, is the concept and, even then, it's a concept that still holds up today, this idea of a social network; look at Facebook, Myspace, et al. This isn't a case of Sony jumping on a band wagon with avatars, a la Microsoft, this tech has been in development since 2005! JUMP!
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