Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Of "It's Been A While"

I read recently that, if you are an aspiring writer, it is best to have some sort of site/blog so, if they are so inclined, anybody who is interested can come and check out your writing style and, I suppose, get a better gauge of your personality. So, here it is - I have decided to restart this blog just in case a situation such as that may arise. I don't really expect it to, but just in case! I'll only really add to this blog when I have something to say, I hate the amount of blogs from people that chronicle their boring day,

"Woke up, ate something, did whatever, went to sleep." 

It's pretty boring really and it's something that I want to avoid. I'll probably end up reviewing a bunch of stuff that I find interesting, ranging from movies, to TV shows, to video games and comic books. I'm into quite a lot of geeky things and will probably be talking about quite a lot of otaku subjects because of it. If anybody is interested in the things I'm looking forward to, or am currently playing/watching, then all you have to do is look to the bar on the right and you'll see (now with handy pictures!)

I am currently in the process of writing a short movie, entitled 'First Date'. I am in the rewriting stages and am hoping to get it to a shooting stage by early next year. I am on the 4th rewrite and will probably redraft it, yet again, in the next couple of days. Any information on the movie will probably be blogged about on here, hopefully with accompanying photos, etc when the shoot starts. Whenever it starts. 

I also have another short idea, this one ALOT shorter than the aforementioned script, which is currently running at about 30 pages, though the running time would be no where near that if we are adhering to the 'one page = one minute screen time' theory. I'm aiming to write this at about 5/10 pages and have it set in one location with only a few characters, so I could shoot this quickly and easily. I would probably plan to shoot this before 'First Date'. It'll give me a chance to get back into the swing of directing and would probably boost my confidence about shooting a 30 page script. 

I'll be sure to post updates about both these projects as they occur, I'm hoping to move forward with these projects and go the festival route to, hopefully, make some sort of name for myself. I'm sure it won't happen, at least not straight away, but these things do happen, so why not to me? The least I can do is try. I mean, once the script is done it'll be a few more months before shooting would be completed, assuming the pre-production phase goes smoothly and quickly, but I've got good feelings about these projects. The feedback I've received from a few of my close friends has yielded some good notes and observations that I have taken on board for the script. They all seem to have enjoyed it to varying degrees but, ultimately, it's a simple and fun story in the vein of a Smith/Apatow flick. Once the final draft has been completed I'll put some pages up here for you guys and gals to have a look at and once the shooting starts I'll make sure to have pics and updates as much as possible. 

Anyway, this short post has ballooned somewhat. I'll make sure to try and update when I can, only with things, or subjects, that I find interesting or worthy talking about of course. There are such a wealth of blogs and opinions out there on this internets that I understand there is a real feeling of 'me too' whenever somebody starts a new one, but I'm hoping to avoid that. Anyway, I'm starting repeat myself - probably a side effect of trying to watch a movie (Stanley Kubrick's 'Lolita') whilst writing, so I'm going to go and focus on the flick. 


UPDATE: This was too good to pass up on posting here, it's got a little bit for everybody really, with plenty of star appearances. Also, can I just say, John C. Reilly is so fucking awesome! If you haven't, go watch Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, this is dude just knows funny! Anyway, enjoy; Prop 8 - The Musical! 

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

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