Hey, just a quick update as I've got Eleanor around to keep company and entertain, etc. Two things really:

1) DON'T fall asleep on a train if you smell like the food you ate for lunch, food that you somehow failed to get in your mouth (Somehow! Somehow this guy managed to miss food going into his mouth!) Are overweight, and snore like a motherfucker. Which this guy did. So I took his picture because, as annoying as it was, especially during rush hour, he did look like a big, fat, bald baby. And that was funny.
2) Playstation launches it's Home service today at some point. I've been to work and come back and it's still not there. I hope it comes up before too late! Considering I'm now on a 1:30-10:30 shift tomorrow, I won't get a chance to play it if it doesn't come out before, like, 11 tonight!
I've also officially upgraded my PS3 harddrive from 60GB (reality: 55GB) to an awesome 320GB (in reality: 296GB!)!! Awesome! I was surprised with how easy this process was, it took me less than 5 minutes to do and is totally worth it. On top of which, I ordered an external HDD case and now have an additional 55GB harddrive for...things! NICE! I still need another external for really backing up my Big Mac and my MacTop and, at some point, one dedicated solely to comic books. Because comic books are fucking awesome! Don't believe me? Go read Y: The Last Man, start reading the new Dead Pool series, pick up Runaways, then try and tell me it's kid stuff.
Anyway, that's it. Quick update done. I'm going to see if Home is on my XMB (Cross Media Bar, for the Playstation uninitiated) yet, here's hoping!
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