Hi! To anybody who has come across this blog, hello. My name is Stephen (21, likes short walks on the beach that culminate in sex and no attachments. I kid, I kid. It's all about the long walks) and I have this here blog in order to make fun of people I don't like, possibly by drawing cocaine and other shit all over their faces in Microsoft Paint.
No, not really. I'll leave that to the professionals.
This blog is however going to allow me a place to randomly write or type, which ever you prefer, about a whole range of things that cross my mind.
I'm currently at University, in my third and final year, at the University of Westminster, ironically located not in Westminster but Harrow. I study the Film and TV Production course and, though I'm at the end of the course, there has been plenty to bitch about. Though I doubt I'll do so now, maybe if you're lucky. Y'know, say your prayers and take your vitamins, etc, etc. This is why the title of this blog is the apt "Tales of A Wannabe Film Maker".
Right now I'm in the early stages of thinking about putting together a project to film, a project that I wrote and that wasn't chosen to be made by my Uni (at least by the tutors, everyone I've talked to seemed to 'love it'. Though they could just be being nice to me.) A lot of people, whose opinions I trust, have told me it's great, so I may just make it whilst I have the opportunity to use the Uni's equipment. You heard it here first, check back and I'll be sure to keep you up to date on everything.
Other than that I'm prepping for my first ever gig with my band, the newsagents. I'm pretty excited for it, I've never performed in front of a crowd like this before with my music and we're not even at the bottom of the bill! It's at the Lark in the Park pub in Islington on the 16th Feb. I mean, we go from not having practiced for 5+ months to not having practiced for 5+ months with a gig in less that (at the time) a few weeks. Now even sooner! 6 songs consisting of 3 originals and 3 covers, should be fun. Considering our style of 'melodic', believe me I use the term loosely, punk rock we're going to stand out like an STD infected dick, every other band on the bill is as indie as can be. It's going to be interesting, for better or worse.
So, that kinda wraps this up for now. I'll post again when I can and, importantly, when I have something to talk about. Don't be surprised if you find totally random posts where I talk about a movie or a gig or whatever. Then again, that's part of the fun of blogs, right?
Oh, btw. I'm in the process of reading Robert Kirkman's phenomenal 'The Walking Dead' series, if you're in the slightest bit interested in zombies, comics or just a damn good story, then pick it up.

See? Beautifully random.
The first blog is always kind've hard, somewhat of a stepping stone, as you try to introduce yourself and endear yourself to whoever is taking the time out of their day to read. So, thanks. I hope that you come back and check out any updates I post in the future. Feel free to leave comments, feedback, etc...unless it's negative. In which case it will be promptly deleted and forever ignored. NAH, I'm joking. Kinda. Maybe. Sort of. Not really. Or at all.
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