Let me just open this by saying I joined the library last week. I have been a member since the 6th of February, which (for those of who are NOT mathematicians) means I have been a member for 6 days. In those six days I have read 3 books. This after not having read a book, as in novel, as in not a comic book/graphic novel or magazine, in a very long time. That's fucking insane! This is what not having a job does to you, people! I like reading, but come on! 3 books, and not short/picture books(!), in six days! SIX! I really need to get on finding a new job. Which I will do once I get back from Eleanor's, which acts as a nice segue into the main topic of this blog; I am leaving to go visit my girlfriends house in the *shudder* country for the first time since we started dating over two years ago. I know, you may think it's bad, but remember; I'm a city boy, born and raised. I come from Hong Kong and live 20/30 minutes away from Central London. Nothing could sound more unappealing to me than the country. The, 'life-going-by-very-slowly'/'everybody-knows-each-other-and-their-business'/'everyone-is-actually-fucking-crazy/their immediate family' country!
Chew on that for a second. Let it digest, and realize why I haven't been there in the 730+ days I have known Eleanor. If you want to challenge any of these, especially the last one, go and watch Hot Fuzz again and tell me that it's not a fairly accurate portrayal of country life! You KNOW everyone is not only crazy, but packing heat to boot! I can't wait to be surrounded by a bunch of disillusioned youth; white kids embracing hip hop and black urban culture. As if I didn't get that enough in Welling, now I've got to deal with it out in the boondocks too?! Now, I get the concept of embracing a different culture because you can't relate to the one you've been pre-conditioned with, but come on! Hip hopper's in the 'middle-of-nowhere' countryside?!
This is basically a blog prefacing the fact I'm going away for a while, the 23rd in fact. I may try and blog whilst out there, if the internet connection holds. Assuming they know what the internet is, of course. If I can't, I may write it all up in Word, journaling every day as it goes ala Doogie Howser MD. I don't expect you Brits to know who that is, as you were denied quite a lot of the awesome programming that I grew up with. If I do it this way I'll be posting them once I get back with any photos I may have taken.
In all seriousness, me going to Eleanor's hometown is long overdue. She has every right to be slightly pissed at me that it's taken this long. Until now, circumstance has always seen to have Eleanor come down to my house. It's always just worked out that way. However, now with her volunteering at a school as well as pulling bargirl (urgh) duty again, and me being all jobless - it just made sense for me to go up and see her during the half term that's coming up. Soon enough, we may not be able to have even that luxury when I get a job. I hope that that won't be the case though and that we'll continue to make time for each other. I know I'm prepared to do so.
That's it in regards to my trip! Just a few other quick things, in no particular coherent order:
- PLEASE, look over the 'Of Virtual Yard Sale' post again and if you see anything you like, or that you think someone else would like (in which case tell them and direct them to the page!) make an offer. Any donation would help me fund 'Coffee's For Closers'. I'm talking "I'll give you £2 for the Borat poster" kind've donating, friends!
- I would be worried about my post offending those who live in the country, or any sort of village. But I'm pretty certain I don't have any stable readers, let alone any 'fans' to push away. So, I don't think I'll sweat it just yet.
- Mick Foley actually managed to write a pretty enjoyable novel in Tietam Brown. I'm somewhat impressed.
- Y2J isn't at fault. Plus, that chick was wearing a Cena shirt. Fucking marks.
- My ma makes fucking gnarly burritos. Dinner was rad. AND I had blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Awesome!

- Could the WWE have brought Christian (Cage) back with any less fanfare. I mean, seriously. This is a guy who went to TNA and PROVED he could be a main eventer, even holding the TNA Heavyweight Championship for a time. Now he's back, and on ECW. The third show. The runt of the litter. I didn't think it was possible, but the WWE have managed to fuck up this come back (when they could have written him into a number of roles on Smackdown! with the Edge/Hardy storyline, as obvious as it may seem. And made serious money in the process.) WORSE than the Chris Jericho return. If this is their idea of trying to boost ECW's ratings, then I feel for them. I feel even more for poor Christian.
- Mega64 just seem to get better and better.

- As I write this blink-182 are in Mark and Travis' LA Studio working on a new record. How fucking exciting?! Incidentally, I have friends who never got to see blink-182 perform first time 'round who are excited about seeing them when they commence their '09 world tour. Here's a quick newsflash though: you will never see the blink-182 I saw back in 2003/04. They'll be a completely new band. And if they're not, they'll probably lose major credibility for trying to recreate something that just doesn't exist anymore, and you can't force that kind of thing. I for one am looking forward to the new sound, the new direction. I, for one, am looking forward to the new blink-182.

Also , a photo was taken of Mark Hoppus in the studio (again, happening right now) holding a Fender Telecaster. The kind of guitar that I play, although mine is left handed. I thought it was pretty neat.
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