I know I posted a new, somewhat lengthy, blog yesterday, but all of this news is too exciting for me to not talk about. blink 182 may be returning, and a lot sooner than anyone thought they would. I didn't think it would happen, even after they started talking again. Now, I'm a huge blink 182 fan. They are my favorite band and they have made some of my favorite music, and some of my favorite albums. Hell, I love all their albums. If you can't dig on that, then fuck you. I hate cats that hate on people because of what they listen to. I don't like Coldplay, but I'm not going to insult you because you might like them. Grow the fuck up, okay.

Anyway, this blink 182 stuff; when it first broke they were all talking again most people clamored for a new tour. Essentially, those who had never seen them wanted to and I can't blame them, they always put on an awesome show. They were the only band I would follow on tour, and I did in 2004 when I saw them at Wembley Arena with one of my friends, Clare, and the very next day we got up and travelled all the way to Manchester just to see them again. I was at the barrier for both gigs and it was totally worth it.
However, whereas most people wanted a new tour, I was more interested in a new album. I wanted to hear the evolution of their sound now that they had their falling out, went and did two very different things and were now, seemingly, going to get back together and record a new album. When I read this this other day, I was excited. I didn't want to get my hopes up just to have them dashed, but fuck it, I was excited. (jump!) David Kennedy, the second guitarist from Angels and Airwaves, supposedly confirming a new blink 182 record was going to happen.
Now, I'm an Angels and Airwaves fan, I'll admit it. I also like +44, but I always liked AVA that little bit more. Maybe it was because of what Tom chose to make it represent. I remember when the blink 182 break up, or 'indefinite hiatus', first happened and everyone was bitching and pointing fingers and everyone had an opinion on something that, ultimately, wasn't their business. I always felt for Tom during this time because, as he kept saying, he just needed to grow as a musician and felt that blink 182 wasn't right for him anymore. Essentially, he had matured and grown up and people couldn't accept that. People change over time, and the fans had to learn to accept it. Which is why, although I'd love to hear a new album from them, I think Tom has got himself into a corner of sorts: on the one hand he's looking like a total hypocrite. After leaving his band to pursue a more serious musical career, he has now gone back on all of that and is potentially reforming blink 182? Okay, so AVA was basically an exercise in futility and doesn't actually represent that people can change like Tom originally intended. On the other hand, Tom embraces his blink 182 heritage and begins to play blink songs at an AVA gig (which, admittedly did start to happen in little medleys he'd play. +44 also started playing blink songs at their shows) or AVA songs at a blink gig, which just won't work. AVA really pushed away a lot of blink 182 fans with their different sound, something that +44 didn't really do, and, in the end, Tom still ends up looking like a hypocrite. Hm.
Anyway, I felt like talking about all of this because today in the States, this years Grammy awards are happening. Not a big deal, right? Wrong. Today is going to be the first day that all the members of blink 182 will share a stage since their final shows in December 2004 (click here for the jump) and it's something I'm fucking excited to see. Will it look weird? (Mark and Travis wearing what they always wear, Tom in his AVA leather get up. Short answer, if this is the case, is yes.) Will they get on? Will they perform? It's announced they are just performing hosting duties, but who knows, maybe they'll surprise us. Maybe it's time for an official announcement about the return of blink 182.
I hope so.
I was right. Then again, it was pretty clear that something was happening, and this was pretty much the only obvious answer. That being said, it doesn't stop me from being any less stoked. Even having a little argument with my girlfriend didn't stop me from being totally stoked by the awesomeness that is the simple fact that my favorite band has officially reformed. Check out their new website (jump!) declaring big things will be poppin' in '09! I, personally, can't wait til the new album and would love to see them on tour again. Let's hope that this lasts, for all we know they could have another falling out in the recording studio or whatever, but I'm pretty sure we all hope that that's not the case. Incidentally, while U2 were performing I just had this image in my head of Tom standing awkwardly by Mark and Travis (seeing as he tried so hard to get AVA to be somewhat like U2), maybe whispering to himself; "Awwwwkwaaaaard."
Also, I totally called it, in regards to what they were wearing. Mark and Travis wore what they usually wore and Tom wore the AVA get up he's been sporting for the past few years, it was kind of weird. As was the fact that Tom was always that little bit further away from Mark and Travis at all times, as you can see in the video below.
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