Before I get to posting my Country Getaway blogs (of which there are only three, though they are, as Mike lovingly refers to them, essays. Well, one is.) I felt I should update this thing with the news that I have actually tried to move my project forward since coming back from Eleanor's. Yesterday, I went location scouting for a coffee shop for the flick.
It didn't go as well as I would have liked, a lot of places said no outright, which is something I know I should have been prepared for (both through reading about it and actual experience), but it still sucked every time. Here's another thing that took me a little bit by surprise, the smaller 'family run' businesses and cafes/coffee shops weren't really willing to commit to a project like mine, however Starbucks and Costa Coffee both seemed to be interested in the project. I couldn't believe it! Starbucks was the first place I went, certain it would be a flat out no, but on the contrary - the manager I spoke with, Rudy, was really friendly about the whole thing, saying he'd call head office and give me a call back and let me know. He seemed like a nice guy, and I'd like to believe he will, but I haven't received a call yet, here's hoping I will tomorrow.
Costa Coffee however was a whole different story, we were taken to the back and interviewed over a desk by a guy called Jason, nice guy, who seemed very intrigued by the project. I have to give him a call back tomorrow, and I hope it goes well. Out of all the locations we went to (around 10 or so, I believe) 4 gave us solid maybe's. Which is slightly better than a no, but not as good as a yes. Also, out of all the places we visited, it was this specific Costa that really impressed me. Frankly, I want to shoot this short in this Costa Coffee. It's perfect. The feel of it, the look of it, everything. I'm hoping I'll be getting some good news tomorrow and that I can then start prepping a casting call and sorting out equipment. The sooner I get this done, the happier I'll be. I never realized it would be so difficult to do this all on my own, I knew it would be hard, you'd be an idiot to not think that, but not having a team or anyone to really tag team with you just makes it all that much harder. Mike has been helping me out with script stuff and a few pre-pro things, but nothing super solid yet. It doesn't help that he lives quite far away, so even if he wanted to help the project by going location scouting, he couldn't.
I hope for good news tomorrow, and I hope that this thing starts falling into place. If not, then this project is going to get a massive rewrite for a location that we can actually secure, be it a house or whatever. If a coffee house is unattainable, then I'm going to really have to rethink this script.
Anyway, here are some photos from a few of the locations we went to. I'll post them in order of preference, ending with the Costa that I want to use.
Also, before I forget - thank you to Gina, who came out with me location scouting yesterday. I always work better doing stuff like that with a partner, it makes the whole process a lot easier, makes us look more professional, and gives the whole approach an air of professionalism. So, thanks. I'd like to think she learned alot and will use it as a positive learning experience. I'm sure she'll get a lot more out of it when it comes to drawing up and getting the contracts signed.
3. Espresso Bar
2. Starbucks Coffee
Costa Coffee

I hope that you guys like all of these, just in case I have to use any one of these. But it's the Costa I've got my heart set on right now. The guys at the Parade Cafe seemed really cool, but didn't seem to really grasp that we'd need to have control of the cafe for the day/night in order to have a controlled environment, something that's obviously important for a shoot - you can't have people constantly walking in, ordering whatever, messing up your shot and audio. It just can't work that way.
Anyway, I'm really tired now so I'm going to go listen to the new MC Lars album, 'This Gigantic Robot Kills' (just heard a track that had MC Bat Commander on it, I thought that was pretty awesome) then I'll be going to sleep. Expect an update about the locations tomorrow at some point, as well as my blogs/pictures about my Country Getaway.
Finally back from an awesome session of Smackdown vs Raw at Glenn's house. That was a lot of fun, despite the fact that, no matter how hard I tired, I just couldn't win with my guy, Chris Jericho. That pissed me off lol. I also fucked up my finger a little bit by trying to mash/rub the buttons for kicking out, etc.
I also finished the first Resident Evil game that Eleanor got me for Valentine's Day. I'm about 13 years late to this party, but I had a good time with it for sure.
Anyway, on topic about the location scouting: I went to the Espresso Bar (the one I didn't have any photos for) and got bad news. Of course. I also called up the Costa Coffee that I've got my heart set on, the guy Jason picked up and said that they weren't completely sold on it, so I've got to e-mail his director/head office. Great. He gave me a generic e-mail address, so hopefully it'll actually get through to someone who'll be able to help me out, because I would love to use this location. A lot.
I really don't get why so many people have been so opposed to the idea of allowing us to film. I'm talking about one day's worth of shooting. A night shoot, so we don't effect their business during their day. Paying them for the privilege of shooting there, as well as the wage of whoever is staying behind to essentially chaperone us. As well as the fact that we'd be tidying up everything after ourselves when we leave. I don't see the problem, I really don't! I mean, what is the problem with that above situation? You're getting paid, we're not affecting your business AND we're of course going to tidy up once we're done, and we're only talking about one day's worth (two at a push, considering how short the script is) of shooting.
I just don't get and it's really bugging me.
Like, really bugging me.
It shouldn't be as hard as this.
That's what she said.
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