Thursday, 14 October 2010

Of Countdown Comebacks!

Long time. Too long. This will be a quick post, nothing too long or in depth.

I'm going to try and kick start this thing again, more for my own personal use now, not that it ever had any real fanbase. I'm going to try and kick start a lot of things in my life again, maybe use this place as a little spot on the internet to call my own for a little inner thought and perspective. Maybe it will petter out again, maybe not. I've got a few projects I am working on now, and a lot has obviously happened since the last blog post. Mostly I got a job, which went a long way in killing my creativity, time, and inclination to work on my scripts, movies, music, etc. I want to take it back. Two years out of University, and it's time for me to take it back.

Starting with a few things: my new band are attempting to make waves in the local scene, wanting to break out. We are in the studio this weekend (16th/17th October), I'm leaving early on the 16th due to having tickets for UFC 120. Sunday will be mostly a vocals day anyway, God willing that I'm well enough come Sunday. I've been sick as a dog for the better part of a week, not that thats stopped me working hard for the fruit of six colours.

Check us out, show some support if you happen to stumble upon this blog!

I've done a bit of travelling as well in an attempt to gain more life experience, as pretentious as that sounds. In about 2 months I've been to Ireland for the first time, Reading Festival for the 10th time, and capped it off with Rome. Here's a little video that my friend Jamie, of Visive Productions, made up of our trip to Ireland, fella. The song of the holiday was 'California Girls' by Katy Perry. Totally fitting. Totally.

And I'm going to end this quick blog with a post relating to the project that kick started the blog in the first place; the fact I want to write and make fucking movies, man! Coffee's For Closers has been gestating in some form or another for over a fucking year now. Crippling fear of finishing it and getting out there being the main thing that's frozen me for 365+ days, I'm damn near disgusted with myself for it.

But the positive? Here's a short trailer I made of the short with Jamie. We're aiming to finally finish this thing, a sense of closure is needed. This has been a demon on my shoulder, eating away at me for more time than I can say. It needs to get done, it needs to be exorcised. Picture lock is essentially there, next step? Sound. Once that's in place, it'll be ready to be sent out/uploaded.

In the mean time however, it's not been all negative stall tactics. I created an advert for a MoFilm competition earlier in the year, the first thing I had wrote or directed in a good year and managed to be short listed! That made me feel damn good, but for whatever reason I couldn't keep the motivation rolling. Once again, I had stalled. I hate it, and no more. The first thing I do in a year and it gets shortlisted in a world wide competition? Come the fuck on, I should be prouder than that! And I am ready to accept that fact.

Here is the short teaser for Coffee's For Closers. Wondering what it's all about, what's going to happen? Then it does it's goddamn job.

The countdown begins...

1 comment:

busker rhymes said...

coffee's for closers = sick name!
trailer looks good too, im still up for sounding n scoring if you want it
also props for pet sounds, such a win album
that is all
blog speed