Saturday, 10 January 2009

Of New Year Promises

SO! It's the new year now. Officially 2009. Kind've has been for 10 days already. A few things have happened in that time for me, namely my project moving steadily forward (will be redrafting tomorrow) and the fact I am, once again, unemployed. For now, at least. My Christmas Temp contract ended today which I'm, honestly, quite sad about, even though the long hours fucked me up (due to my heel problems which I've suffered through since I was 8. 8, people! Fuck, that's a lot of kid sports I missed out on. I could've been pumped by now and had girls swooning over my awesome physique if it weren't for my heels! I could've also had loads of 8 year old girls all over me every time I kicked ass at everything! But, alas...) and the customers tended to be on the stupid (read: retarded) side of things, I really enjoyed my time working at Game. I liked the fact I got cheap(er) games, and that the people there were all pretty much awesome. Few exceptions, like with all things, but on the most part I made quite a few friends (major shout outs to: Jamie (who will probably read this, but probably not). Rebecca (you're welcome for Dexter). Eddie (for his silly face/s). Steve (for his funny accent and laid back sensibility) and everyone who majorly helped me while I was still learning the ropes that, now I've learnt, I have no use for, as I no longer work there! Fantastic!

So, now I'm unemployed I guess the next step is to find a new job. I've been told there's a possibility of me getting a call next week and coming back, which would be cool. I could definitely work there for a few more months whilst getting my shit together, movie wise. 
I really, really don't want to do the Runner-route in regards to getting into the film industry. I've begun reading 'The Guerilla Film Makers Handbook' and, frankly, it's scaring the shit out of me. All the determination for such little payoff that some people go through. That whole, start at the bottom of the bottom rung and try hard, for 3-5 years, to move up one rung. Then again. And again. All the time working on shitty productions, pulled together by asshole producers and faux-intellectual directors who want to find the 'dramatic truth' in the most inane situations. Fuck that. 

(Focuses on TV, but I'm sure it more than pertains to Film too. Unfortunately.)

The festival route is something I desperately want to do, hence 'Coffee's For Closers' and my (seemingly sporadic) determination to get the baby made. I need to lock it. Once it's locked, I can get the hell on with everything else! I've already promised loads of people cameo's and extra spots, all I need are my two leads. Casting probably won't happen til a little later in the day though. Funding first. Shot list/practicality and logistics planning. Location scouting. Casting+shooting schedule. All by myself! ANY producers want to help? Anyone? Please.../tangent

BUT! Before I get all depressed by the amount of work I'm facing, a quick explanation as to why this blog is calling 'Of New Year Promises'. Quite simply, I'm fed up of my love handles. Once, they were cute. Little sides of pudge, haha, cute. Now? Major muffin top, I'm spilling the fuck out of everything! I hate it. It's not even like my stomach is huge (though it's not exactly..toned.), but DAYUMN, my love handles suck. Literally, put anything in there and they'd suck it into the fat folds and you'll never see it again! HOWEVER! I do have a plan. And it's not some half hearted, 'Oh, I'm going to diet and that'll sort me out.' thing, a promise that we all break the next day/week/whenever. It's always a ticking clock as we are all, ultimately, creatures of habit, and I am no different of course, my habit being watching movies/playing video games/doing nothing all whilst eating copious amounts of the worst, yet most delicious, food/s you can think of. BUT, with the assistance of my friend Owen Davies (he of the team formerly known as The Magic Circle, [on the left]) who, incidentally, is training to be a wrestler/is a wrestler, I am hoping to finally say good bye to those handles of love of mine. He's kindly agreed to help me out with a regime that he'll sort out for me in order to get rid of them. It's apparently going to be a 3-5 month thing, and I may be busy here or there as life catches up with me, but I'm going to try and stick this thing through. I may as well document my progress on here as well as my film progressions. Here's hoping that in 5 months I'll not only have a finished film (or at the very least a nearly finished edit) but also be a trimmer, sexier version of myself. Because my totally sexy ego could totally use it! My gym regime starts on Tuesday, I'm sure I'll post (if I have the energy) after it. Let's bear in mind however, that I am the kind of guy that can't even have a gentle jog for 5 minutes before his left arm begins to tingle, so this should be interesting. If I die, blame Owen.

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